Últimamente en estos tiempos de crisis se han dado muchos casos de corrupción, gente muy adinerada y con mucha influéncia social que apesar de tener mucho dinero ha robado al pueblo para tener más.
Pero lo más triste señores, no es el simple hecho de robar, sinó aquellos que lo hacen por otra razón que no sea necesidad, pura ambición sin necesidad.
La sociedad es así, corrupta, una constante lucha por quién llega más arriba perdiendo de vista el hecho de que vivimos una vez, ya no importa cómo vivas sinó lo que eres, un puro negocio en el que el bienestar sólo importa si trabajas en una empresa de sofás y camas. A continuación os muestro un vídeo que yo lo titulo " el invento revolucionario que sólo revolucionó bolsillos":
Artículo relacionado recomendado por el autor: Cycloclean
Todos los insectos/ animales y en general seres vivos son criaturas maravillosas de la naturaleza, pero sinceramente, hay algunas que pueden ser peligrosas para la salud cómo es el caso de los mosquitos.
Me he tomado la libertad de leerme unos quantos artículos en la red para dar una información completa, y en especial me ha llamado la atención una manera fácil y que respeta el medio ambiente para mantener los insectos fuera de tu hogar o de tu oficina.
Lo que se necesita es muy sencillo y económico:
200 ml de agua.
50 grs de azúcar morena.
1 gramo de levadura (puedes comprar un sobrecito en el súper).
1 botella de plástico de 2 litros:
El proceso consta de 5 pasos:
1. Corta la botella de plástico por la mitad y quédate con la parte de abajo.
No tires la parte de arriba, pues la necesitarás al final.
2. Diluye el azúcar morena en agua caliente. Una vez disuelta deja enfriar el agua.
3. Añádele la levadura. No hace falta mezclarlo. Se irá creando dióxido de carbono.
4. Tapa el recipiente con la parte de arriba de la botella, invertida a modo de embudo.
5. Cubre la botella con algo negro, excepto por la parte de arriba y colócala en algún rincón de la casa.
En un par de semanas podremos ver que muchos mosquitos han quedado atrapados en la botella.
Francamente, el método es bastante sencillo y se evitan muchas picaduras de mosquito, que son muy molestas.
Sólo unos pocos días después de finalizada la Conferencia de la ONU sobre Cambio Climático en Durban, Sudáfrica, Canadá anunció hoy su salida del Protocolo de Kyoto para la protección del clima.
"Hacemos valer el derecho de Canadá de abandonar formalmente Kyoto", dijo el ministro de Medio Ambiente Peter Kent en una conferencia de prensa en el Parlamento en Ottawa, informó la emisora CTV.
Recientemente, Kent dijo varias veces que el Protocolo de Kyoto es "una cosa del pasado" y que Canadá no iba a aprobar una prolongación del tratado.
En la conferencia en Durban, los participantes aprobaron una extensión del Protocolo de Kyoto que limita las emisiones de dióxido de carbono y acordaron elaborar hasta el año 2015 un acuerdo vinculante del clima para limitar el calentamiento de la Tierra en máximo dos grados Celsius, que deberá entrar en vigencia a más tardar en 2020.
Desde que en 2006 el Gobierno del Partido Conservador del primer ministro canadiense Stephen Harper llegó al poder, Canadá ha expresado su falta de interés en cumplir con el Protocolo de Kyoto, especialmente para no afectar al desarrollo de los yacimiento petrolíferos de la provincia de Alberta.
In these past years, people have been talking about pollution and their effects on earth, about acid rain and how icebergs are falling down.
These facts are the consequence of the humans’ irresponsibility. Luckily,ecological consciousness are making extra efforts to be imposed .
Tireless environmentalists are always thinking “How can I make my life more ecological? We can change our alimentation, our manner of dress, and our modes of transportation, but how can we be more ecological when it comes to sex?
“Sex is a taboo topic to be spoken in public places, but it’s really important in our lives. Sex impacts the earth, just like what we eat or the clothes we wear.” That is what Jacob Gordon, specialist at “ecologic sex” explains at TreeHugger.com, a website thatproposes newenvironmentaltrends, with a modern point of view, which includes concepts related with design and fashion.
To have an ecologic sex life includes many facts. Reproduction is one which has more impact to environment. People have to be prudent having sons. Humans have tripled the lasts 70 years, and sure that we are going to be more than nine billion in the year 2050.
In Europe, Greenpeace made a list of different methods to be a bomb in the bed without damaging our planet:
-To switch off the lights to not waste electricity while we are practicing sex.
-To not use sexual lubricant, these lubricants are verytoxic tothe environment, it’s better to use others natural products like butter or oil.
- To spend water is other environmental problem, many times water is affected by pollution, also shortage, and all of us know that nothing is more exciting than to have shower in pairs.
- We can also talk about condoms because latex condoms are not biodegradable, but it is the only way to avoid sexually transmitteddiseases.
Of course, women can increase sexual pleasure using some sexual toys but in most cases, the material of these erotic toys are really toxic and it is not good for our planet and also for our health! Luckily we have a solution for all these kinds of problems. The industry of ecologic sex toys designed many erotic toys made by glass and steel, just because are healthier for us.
It is also recommendedto tryfruitlike a bananaor melon(justmake a holethe size youneedeach), or some vegetables, including carrotsand cucumbers whichare the mostpopular thatresemble the shapeof a penis.
Celia, a sexologist, says “It is OK to use some vegetables to get out of routine, but they Volíeu dir: en la mayoria de las cosas
must be used with condoms and lubricant because some roll back. It is always preferable to use vegetables than toys with batteries such asvibratorswhich shakea lot and makes some people reach orgasmeasily but then theyget so used tothe vibration thatthey have troublereaching orgasmwhen they are with people. "
As for the linen and underwear, there are all kinds of sexy options such as bamboo or organic cotton. Another ecological order forces to avoid the consumption of oysters as an aphrodisiac, to collaborate in the preservation of the aquatic ecosystem. But, yes, chocolate, celery, nuts, fruits (especially the red ones), figs – split a certain way to obtain a similar form to that of the vagina of a woman - and organic wine are allowed. A warning from the environmental organization advises to the most daring, who enjoy having sex in gardens, to not use pesticides or fertilizers since resting the naked bodies on plants can cause swelling and itching.
"The people who decide to implement the ecological sex, realize, in most cases, that an ecological life is a better life ", summarizes Gordon and adheres to the last one of the advices that exists in the list of Greenpeace: "Make love, not war ".
In the world, humans are destroying many natural areas, and most of them can not be reparable because don not take the necessary care and, as a consequence, most animals species are disappearing.
Panda bears are really nice animals whose image has been used for stuffed animals and cartoons, but they are as beautiful as they are delicates. This fact is not a good notice for the animal’s fans.
Giant Pandas
Ailuropoda Melanoleuca is the scientific name. They are native to Central China, Sichuan, and also to Tibet, where they have their nests around 3.500 meters high.
Although, they are carnivores, they eat mostly bamboo leaves, fruit, little mamifers, fish and insects. They use to climb trees to find food.
Their body hair allows adaptation to many kinds of climate conditions, even really cold temperatures
Giants Panda’s extinction
This species has a really problem. It’s natality is really low and infant mortality is really high. This makes it difficult to increase the population
Many zoos are trying to increase the population of this wonderful animal taking from the mountains and saving them in designated areas.
To hunt them is punishable in China with life imprisonment in case you shoot one of them. As a result, hunting has decreased in the last years, but frequently the pandas, fall into deer traps.
Pandas in cautivity
It said before,many zoos are trying to take pandas for reproduction and return them to the nature with the objective of doubling the actual poblation.
In China, there are about 240 individuals bears in captivity, and most of them are kept in Sichuan, with the necessary care.
In actuality, many zoos in the world have pandas as an atraccion, and this cost a lot of money (like five times more than a elephant). As a result, the Chinese government gives subventions valued at 2.000.000 U.S. dollars per year.
1.This will be your eighth campaign to the Southern Ocean to defend whales. How many more voyages do you intend to lead against the Japanese whaling fleet? Captain Paul Watson: That depends on how many times the Japanese whalers intend to return. As long as they attempt to kill whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, we intend to continue returning to oppose them. Every year we have gone down stronger than the year before and every year the whalers have gone down weaker than the year before. Our objective from the beginning was to sink the Japanese whaling fleet economically – to bankrupt them. We have done that. They continue to operate only because of massive Japanese government subsidies. We return every year to save as many whale lives as possible and to negate any profits from whaling by the Japanese. We intend to continue to oppose the Japanese whalers until they permanently depart from the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. I will die a very happy man if I can help make this happen.
2.Why did you name this campaign Operation Divine Wind? Captain Paul Watson: I like to communicate with my opposition through symbolism that they understand. For example, our ships were painted black because black ships signify change in Japan, dating back first to the black ships of the Portuguese traders and priests and the black ships of the United States Navy under Commodore Perry. Thus, our black ships demand change in the Southern Ocean. For the same reason we named one of our campaigns Operation Musashi in honor of the Japanese legendary sword master Miyamoto Musashi who taught the twofold way of pen and sword meaning that our approach must be both confrontational and educational.
The origin of the word kamikaze, meaning “wind of the Gods,” goes back a thousand years when the Mongolian ruler Kublai Khan twice attempted to invade China. He failed on both occasions because his great fleets were destroyed by typhoons and these destructive winds or “kaze” were believed to have been divinely sent by the Gods or “kami.” The symbolism here is that the Sea Shepherd ships are the winds that protect the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary from illegal invasion by the Japanese whaling fleet.
3.Your last campaign Operation No Compromise was hugely successful. Do you anticipate that Operation Divine Wind will be just as successful? Captain Paul Watson: Operation No Compromise was indeed a great success. We found the Japanese fleet early, we were able to block their operations and thus shut down their whaling activities. We chased the Nisshin Maru for over 3,000 miles until they finally gave up and went home six weeks earlier than they planned. Most importantly, the Japanese fleet was only able to take 17% of their kill quota and we saved 870 whales. Negated profits and saving the lives of hundreds of whales is a great victory indeed.
From the beginning, our objective was to sink the whaling fleet economically by bankrupting the industry. We have accomplished that objective, as the Japanese whaling fleet is now tens of millions of dollars in debt. For all intents and purposes, we defeated the fleet economically. Unfortunately, we have not yet defeated the Japanese whaling fleet politically.
Although we hoped that the whalers would not return in December 2011, we were prepared for them to do just that, knowing that they could only do so with huge Japanese government subsidies. The whalers have been given their subsidies including the equivalent of $30 million USD specifically budgeted to oppose Sea Shepherd. What does this mean? We shall soon see when we return to the Southern Ocean in December.
4.This will be the most challenging and possibly the most dangerous campaign that Sea Shepherd has ever undertaken. Are you and your crew ready to take on an angrier and better-financed whaling fleet? Captain Paul Watson: This will be our eighth voyage to the Southern Ocean. We are veterans of this remote and hostile environment and undaunted by it. We are veterans of numerous skirmishes and confrontations with the whaling ships. We have experience but more importantly, I have something the whalers do not have. I have a passionate, dedicated, and courageous crew of volunteers from around the world. I could not pay professionals to do what these incredible people do for no pay. The whalers are engaged in taking lives. We are engaged in saving lives. It is our positive, life affirming energy in opposition to the negative death embracing energy of the industrialized killers. The men and women of my crews, past and present, have given themselves in a great enterprise to defend life, to defend the whales, and all of them for the rest of their lives will be able to look back with pride at what they have done, the adventure of it, the nobility of it, and the success and satisfaction of knowing that because they intervened – thousands of whales were spared the vicious and horrific death from the merciless harpoons of the Japanese whaling fleet.
5.The fact is that you are down there in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary all alone. There is no government assistance. There are no other groups down there to help you. If you get in trouble, there will be no help forthcoming. This must be intimidating and surely the very fact that you are so alone in this dangerous and controversial endeavor must give you cause to reflect that perhaps this is not such a wise thing to do? Captain Paul Watson: Yes we are alone. We have repeatedly requested cooperation from Greenpeace. They refuse to acknowledge us. We have asked for New Zealand and Australia to send ships down to at least observe the situation and to be on hand in the event of a tragedy. After all, many of our crewmembers are Australians and New Zealanders. But I suppose that if what we do was not dangerous, difficult, or controversial everyone would be down there. Being alone down there is not a problem, it would be nice to get some support but we do what we do with the resources and support base that we have available to us. However, it is irritating that governments obstruct us and that Greenpeace publicly condemns us. It is especially irritating that Greenpeace also raises tens of millions of dollars each year from the public to save the whales of the Southern Ocean and yet they have not sent a ship there for years.
When I think of the whales that we have saved, and the whales that we will be able to save once again this year, I have no doubt that our strategies and tactics have, and will continue to prove successful. I’m not interested in winning a popularity contest; our concern is to save lives despite the criticisms and the controversy. The bottom line is that we have never injured anyone, we have no intention of injuring anyone, and we operate within the boundaries of the law. Saving lives lawfully without inflicting physical injuries to the whalers is what I think to be a very responsible and effective approach.
We are also experienced in being self-reliant and safety for our crew is of paramount consideration. We have not suffered any serious injuries despite seven voyages to the most hostile and remote seas in the world.
6.Who will be on your crew this season? Any newcomers? Which veterans will be returning? Captain Paul Watson: The big news on returnees will be Peter Brown and Shannon Mann. Peter has been away since Whale Wars Season one and Shannon missed last year’s campaign. Laura Dakin will be returning as Chief Cook on the Steve Irwin. The bad news is that Chris Aultman will not be returning because of his mother’s critical health condition, so we will have a new helicopter pilot with us. Alex Cornelissen will be once again captain the Bob Barker and Locky MacLean will be the skipper of the Brigitte Bardot.
I believe we will have a highly motivated, truly passionate, and very courageous crew for Operation Divine Wind. We also have a very passionate international group of people onshore backing up the efforts of the crews on the ships. More than one hundred crewmembers will participate as crewmembers on the ships this season representing some 22 nationalities.
7.You have a new ship this year…the Brigitte Bardot. What will this ship be used for and when did Sea Shepherd acquire it? Captain Paul Watson: The Brigitte Bardot is not a new vessel. We simply changed the name of last year’s interceptor the Gojira (Godzilla) to the Brigitte Bardot. The reason being is that the one thing more frightening than Godzilla, is Godzilla’s Japanese lawyers. Thus we have changed the name of the beast to that of the beauty, and the vessel is now called the Brigitte Bardot in honor of our longtime friend and supporter Brigitte Bardot. This season we will have the Bob Barker, the Steve Irwin and the Brigitte Bardot in the Southern Ocean for Operation Divine Wind.
8.Sea Shepherd had another fast interceptor vessel – the Ady Gil. It was destroyed by the Japanese whalers and the skipper Peter Bethune was arrested by the Japanese. You also had a falling out with Bethune. Why was that and what is the situation now? Will he be a part of Operation Divine Wind? Captain Paul Watson: No, he will not be a part of Operation Divine Wind nor will he be participating in any Sea Shepherd campaign in the future. The reason for this is simple, he provided false information and cooperated with the Japanese prosecution to enable the Japanese to build a case against me. Bethune told the Japanese that I ordered him to board the Shonan Maru No. 2 when the footage captured by cameras clearly illustrated that I advised him not to board the Japanese vessel. This was an unforgivable betrayal and cause for dismissal from Sea Shepherd. Bethune is presently attempting to sue Sea Shepherd for the loss of his vessel the Ady Gil. However, the Ady Gil wasn’t owned by Sea Shepherd, it was owned by Ady Gil and skippered by Pete Bethune. The New Zealand investigation found Bethune 50% negligent for the loss of the Ady Gil, the Japanese whalers were found responsible for the other half. Instead of suing the Japanese, Bethune decided to sue Sea shepherd for a half a million dollars. Sea Shepherd was not responsible for the loss of the Ady Gil and we don’t believe that this lawsuit will accomplish anything for Bethune other than a waste of time and money that could otherwise be used to defend the whales.
9. Animal Planet’s television series Whale Wars brought Sea Shepherd and its crew into the living rooms of millions of people around the world. What has it been like having your own television show? Captain Paul Watson: We have undertaken seven voyages to the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary since 2002. During the 2006-2007 Operation Leviathan Campaign, we had a film crew onboard that produced the At the Edge of the World documentary. Animal Planet joined us the following season for the 2007-2008 Operation Migaloo Campaign. Since then, Animal Planet has been onboard to document the 2008-2009 Operation Musashi Campaign, the 2009-2010 Operation Waltzing Matilda Campaign, and the 2010-2011 Operation No Compromise Campaign. We anticipate Animal Planet to announce their plans for the fifth season of Whale Wars soon.
10.How have Australia and New Zealand responded to Sea Shepherd and Operation Divine Wind? Captain Paul Watson: The support we get from the people of Australia and New Zealand is overwhelming. However, the governments do not reflect such support. Both governments are quite hostile and their loyalty tends to be with the Japanese government over the wishes of their own people. We receive very positive media coverage in Australia. The ports of Sydney, Hobart, Fremantle, Melbourne, and Brisbane have been super supportive. Australians are the most passionate people on the planet when it comes to defending whales. Sea Shepherd is not alone in our opposition to end illegal whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary - we have the support from millions of Australian and New Zealanders, the support of the Aboriginal community, and the support of the Maori community. 11.Is there a message you would like to leave us with before you depart for the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary? Captain Paul Watson: Yes, I have a message. Firstly, I am confident that we will continue to successfully intervene against illegal Japanese whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. We have no intention of retreating from this struggle until we end whaling completely and forever in the sanctuary. My one message to the world is this: our oceans are dying and we need to defend biodiversity in our seas with all the courage, imagination, and passion we can muster for the simple fact remains that if the oceans die – we all die. We cannot live on this planet with a dead ocean.
Como todos ya sabemos, miles de animales cada año son víctimas de la caza furtiva, y esta es uno de las razones principales de que muchos animales actualmente estén extinguidos o en grave peligro de extinción.
Uno de estos animales es el rinoceronte negro de África, que su población se ha reducido drásticamente estos últimos diez años.
WWF, una organización comprometida con el bienestar animal tomó la iniciativa de trasladaruna manada de estos mamíferos a un lugar más seguro para ellos, a las colinas del sur de África en el Cabo Oriental del país, un lugar dónde no se puede acceder en coche.
Los rinocerontes de unos mil 400 kilos estuvieron durante 20 minutos en el aire y fueron trasladados mil kilómetros lejos de los cazadores furtivos hacia la parte norte de la provincia de Limpopo. Michael Raimondo, fue el responsable de capturar hermosas imágenes del traslado para la organización World Wild Life (WWF).
La dificultad de la operación era cómo llevarla a cabo, ya que estos anímales son muy pesados.
Finalmente 19 ejemplares fueron trasladados a su nuevo hogar colgados en helicópteros bien atados por las patas y el cuerpo mirando hacía el cielo.
Look ath this invencion for get ilumination with just a bottle of water, it could be helpull for hauses without natural and also artificial light.
I think that everybody has to make a reflexion, many of us has the oportunity to swich on or swich of the light, but not many people thinks in these people who can't do it.