lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011

"El invento revolucionario que sólo revolucionó bolsillos"

Últimamente en estos tiempos de crisis se han dado muchos casos de corrupción, gente muy adinerada y con mucha influéncia social que apesar de tener mucho dinero ha robado al pueblo para tener más.

Pero lo más triste señores, no es el simple hecho de robar, sinó aquellos que lo hacen por otra razón que no sea necesidad, pura ambición sin necesidad.

La sociedad es así, corrupta, una constante lucha por quién llega más arriba perdiendo de vista el hecho de que vivimos una vez, ya no importa cómo vivas sinó lo que eres, un puro negocio en el que el bienestar sólo importa si trabajas en una empresa de sofás y camas. A continuación os muestro un vídeo que yo lo titulo " el invento revolucionario que sólo revolucionó bolsillos":

Artículo relacionado recomendado por el autor:  Cycloclean

domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2011

Trampa para mosquitos ecológica

Todos los insectos/ animales y en general seres vivos son criaturas maravillosas de la naturaleza, pero sinceramente, hay algunas que pueden ser peligrosas para la salud cómo es el caso de los mosquitos.

Me he tomado la libertad de leerme unos quantos artículos en la red para dar una información completa, y en especial me ha llamado la atención una manera fácil y que respeta el medio ambiente para mantener los insectos fuera de tu hogar o de tu oficina.

Lo que se necesita es muy sencillo y económico:
200 ml de agua.
50 grs de azúcar morena.
1 gramo de levadura (puedes comprar un sobrecito en el súper).
1 botella de plástico de 2 litros:
El proceso consta de 5 pasos:

1. Corta la botella de plástico por la mitad y quédate con la parte de abajo.
No tires la parte de arriba, pues la necesitarás al final.

2. Diluye el azúcar morena en agua caliente. Una vez disuelta deja enfriar el agua.

3. Añádele la levadura. No hace falta mezclarlo. Se irá creando dióxido de carbono.

4. Tapa el recipiente con la parte de arriba de la botella, invertida a modo de embudo.

5. Cubre la botella con algo negro, excepto por la parte de arriba y colócala en algún rincón de la casa.

En un par de semanas podremos ver que muchos mosquitos han quedado atrapados en la botella.
Francamente, el método es bastante sencillo y se evitan muchas picaduras de mosquito, que son muy molestas.

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

Canada abandona el protocolo de Kyoto

 ¿Que es el protocolo de Kyoto?

Sólo unos pocos días después de finalizada la Conferencia de la ONU sobre Cambio Climático en Durban, Sudáfrica, Canadá anunció hoy su salida del Protocolo de Kyoto para la protección del clima.
"Hacemos valer el derecho de Canadá de abandonar formalmente Kyoto", dijo el ministro de Medio Ambiente Peter Kent en una conferencia de prensa en el Parlamento en Ottawa, informó la emisora CTV.

Recientemente, Kent dijo varias veces que el Protocolo de Kyoto es "una cosa del pasado" y que Canadá no iba a aprobar una prolongación del tratado.

En la conferencia en Durban, los participantes aprobaron una extensión del Protocolo de Kyoto que limita las emisiones de dióxido de carbono y acordaron elaborar hasta el año 2015 un acuerdo vinculante del clima para limitar el calentamiento de la Tierra en máximo dos grados Celsius, que deberá entrar en vigencia a más tardar en 2020.

Desde que en 2006 el Gobierno del Partido Conservador del primer ministro canadiense Stephen Harper llegó al poder, Canadá ha expresado su falta de interés en cumplir con el Protocolo de Kyoto, especialmente para no afectar al desarrollo de los yacimiento petrolíferos de la provincia de Alberta.

jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011

Eco-sex (sex related with ecology)

In these past years, people have been talking about pollution and their effects on earth, about acid rain and how icebergs are falling down.  

These facts are the consequence of the humans’ irresponsibility. Luckily, ecological consciousness are making extra efforts to be imposed .
Tireless environmentalists are always thinking “How can I make my life more ecological? We can change our alimentation, our manner of dress, and our modes of transportation, but how can we be more ecological when it comes to sex?

Sex is a taboo topic to be spoken in public places, but it’s really important in our lives. Sex impacts the earth, just like what we eat or the clothes we wear.” That is what Jacob Gordon, specialist at “ecologic sex” explains at, a website that proposes new environmental trends, with a modern point of view, which includes concepts related with design and fashion.

To have an ecologic sex life includes many facts. Reproduction is one which has more impact to environment. People have to be prudent having sons. Humans have tripled the lasts 70 years, and sure that we are going to be more than nine billion in the year 2050.

In Europe, Greenpeace made a list of different methods to be a bomb in the bed without damaging our planet:

-To switch off the lights to not waste electricity while we are practicing sex.
-To not use sexual lubricant, these lubricants are very toxic to the environment, it’s better to use others natural products like butter or oil.

- To spend water is other environmental problem, many times water is affected by pollution, also shortage, and all of us know that nothing is more exciting than to have shower in pairs.

- We can also talk about condoms because latex condoms are not biodegradable, but it is the only way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases.

Of course, women can increase sexual pleasure using some sexual toys but in most cases, the material of these erotic toys are really toxic and it is not good for our planet and also for our health! Luckily we have a solution for all these kinds of problems. The industry of ecologic sex toys designed many erotic toys made by glass and steel, just because are healthier for us.
It is also recommended to try fruit like a banana or melon (just make a hole the size you need each), or some vegetables, including carrots and cucumbers which are the most popular that resemble the shape of a penis.


Celia, a sexologist, says “It is OK to use some vegetables to get out of routine, but they Volíeu dir: en la mayoria de las cosas
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must be used with condoms and lubricant because some roll back. It is always preferable to use vegetables than toys with batteries such as vibrators which shake a lot and makes some people reach orgasm easily but then they get so used to the vibration that they have trouble reaching orgasm when they are with people. "

As for the linen and underwear, there are all kinds of sexy options such as bamboo or organic cotton. Another ecological order forces to avoid the consumption of oysters as an aphrodisiac, to collaborate in the preservation of the aquatic ecosystem. But, yes, chocolate, celery, nuts, fruits (especially the red ones), figs – split a certain way to obtain a similar form to that of the vagina of a woman - and organic wine are allowed. A warning from the environmental organization advises to the most daring, who enjoy having sex in gardens, to not use pesticides or fertilizers since resting the naked bodies on plants can cause swelling and itching.

"The people who decide to implement the ecological sex, realize, in most cases, that an ecological life is a better life ", summarizes Gordon and adheres to the last one of the advices that exists in the list of Greenpeace: "Make love, not war ".

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

Panda's case (characteristics, extinction and captivity)

In the world, humans are destroying many natural areas, and most of them can not  be reparable because don not take the necessary care and, as a consequence, most animals species are disappearing.

Panda bears are really nice animals whose image has been used for stuffed animals and cartoons, but they are as beautiful as they are delicates. This fact is not a good notice for the animal’s fans.
Giant Pandas

Ailuropoda Melanoleuca is the scientific name. They are native to Central China, Sichuan, and also to Tibet, where they have their nests around 3.500 meters high.

Although, they are carnivores, they eat mostly bamboo leaves, fruit, little mamifers, fish and insects. They use to climb trees to find  food.

Their body hair allows adaptation to many kinds of climate conditions, even really cold temperatures

 Giants Panda’s extinction

This species has a really problem. It’s natality is really low and infant mortality is really high. This makes it difficult to increase the population

Many zoos are trying to increase the population of this wonderful animal taking from the mountains and saving them in designated areas.

To hunt them is punishable in China with life imprisonment in case you shoot one of them. As a result, hunting has decreased in the  last years, but frequently the pandas, fall into deer traps.

Pandas in cautivity

It  said before,many zoos are trying to take pandas for reproduction and return them to the nature with the objective of doubling the actual poblation.

In China, there are about 240 individuals bears in captivity, and most of them are kept in Sichuan, with the necessary care.

In actuality, many zoos in the world have pandas as an atraccion, and this cost a lot of money (like five times more than a elephant). As a result, the Chinese government gives subventions valued at 2.000.000 U.S. dollars per year.